Onsite Linen ManagementNOVO's on-site linen management service focuses on cost effective ways to manage linen distributions internally by allowing the experts to take care of the work and staffing. NOVO’s expertise drives two primary benefits, our expertise in linen distributions allows us to streamline staffing, but more importantly, having NOVO trained personnel on site provides constant reinforcement of our cost savings initiatives related to reducing waste and improving utilization. We develop a historical linen utilization benchmark for each of your facilities to reduce poundage and thus dollars with the linen program. We also specialize our efforts to formulate an approach to maximizing employee satisfaction.

Better Work Environments

  • Our team works side-by-side with your employees
  • Establish and execute new protocols
  • Promote employee empowerment, engagement, and satisfaction

Improved Daily Performance

  • Execute daily performance tracking, by employee, to identify skill gaps
  • Explore which employees have clear insight into the skills they need to develop and progress
  • Ensure the workforce knows the purpose of performance management

Reports & Reviews Process

  • Complete an initial assessment of facility structure and condition to identify areas of required improvement
  • Conduct full inspection of facility equipment to evaluate and identify maintenance and part replacement requirements
  • Implement Planned Maintenance protocol through EPAC to ensure equipment operates and performs consistently throughout the life of the machine